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Shift left – Sync Test code with App code

Dear Readers,

We have all heard about Shift left. Let us see how to actually implement it by syncing test code with app code using Git flow. To sync test code with app code using Git flow while maintaining code quality, follow these steps:

1. Use Branches: Adopt a branching strategy such as Git flow. Create separate branches for feature development, including both app code and test code.

2. Pairing Branches: Ensure that for each feature branch containing app code, there is a corresponding branch for test code. This helps in keeping the changes related to app code and test code separate.

3. Commit Frequently: Encourage frequent commits with descriptive messages for both app code and test code changes. This helps in tracking changes effectively and provides context for code reviews.

4. Automated Testing: Integrate automated testing into your workflow. Run unit tests, integration tests, and any other relevant tests automatically upon each commit or pull request.

5. Code Reviews: Perform code reviews for both app code and test code changes. This ensures that code quality standards are maintained and any issues are identified early.

6. Continuous Integration (CI): Utilize CI tools to automatically build and test your code whenever changes are pushed to the repository. This helps in catching integration issues and ensures that both app code and test code are in sync.

7. Version Control: Ensure that test code is versioned along with app code. This helps in keeping track of changes made to both codebases over time.

8. Documentation: Document any specific guidelines or conventions for writing test code to ensure consistency and maintainability.

By following these practices, you can effectively sync test code with app code using Git flow while maintaining code quality throughout the development process.

To access a free Git enabled Web ide to develop your test code for a one month trial , please sign up at

Test Automation

“Revolutionizing Software Testing: Unleashing Java Automated Tests on GitLab!”

Dear Valued Connections,

In the ever-evolving world of software development, innovation is the heartbeat that fuels progress. Today, I’m thrilled to unveil a groundbreaking approach that’s transforming the way we conduct Java automated tests—enter GitLab, the game-changer in seamless testing orchestration.

#SoftwareTesting #Java #GitLab #Innovation #CI/CD #DevOps #AgileDevelopment

Picture this: Java, a powerhouse programming language, combined with the robust testing capabilities of GitLab’s CI/CD pipelines. It’s a match made in developer heaven! This dynamic duo is not just a pairing; it’s a revolutionizing force that’s shaping the future of software testing.

Why the buzz, you ask?

#Automation #Efficiency #TechInnovation #Development #QualityAssurance

  1. Speed, Efficiency, and Precision: GitLab’s CI/CD pipelines are the turbocharged engines driving our testing processes. With Java’s suite of testing frameworks like JUnit, TestNG, and Selenium seamlessly integrated into GitLab, we’re achieving unparalleled speed, efficiency, and precision in our automated tests.
  2. Flawless Integration for Continuous Improvement: The synergy between Java automated tests and GitLab’s intuitive interface is nothing short of magic. Every code push triggers a cascade of automated tests, ensuring that each modification is rigorously scrutinized before integration. It’s a seamless, continuous improvement cycle!

#ContinuousIntegration #TestingAutomation #CodeQuality #SoftwareDevelopment

  1. Empowering Development Teams with Scalability: GitLab’s scalability and parallel execution capabilities mean that Java tests run concurrently, slashing testing times and providing rapid feedback. No more waiting for hours to validate code changes—now, it’s about instant, actionable insights.
  2. Insightful Reporting for Informed Decisions: GitLab centralizes test results, generating comprehensive reports that empower our teams with valuable insights. Identifying failing tests, tracking coverage, and analyzing trends are just a click away. It’s a data-driven approach that fuels smarter decision-making.

#DataInsights #QualityAssurance #DevelopmentTools #TestAutomation

  1. Future-Proofing with Nimbalnz Java Docker Image: And here’s the real secret sauce—leveraging the Nimbalnz Java Docker Image within GitLab. This preconfigured environment simplifies setup, streamlines execution, and ensures consistency, making our testing process even more robust and future-proof.

#Docker #Containerization #DevOpsTools #FutureTech

This is more than a technological leap—it’s a cultural shift. It’s about embracing a future where software testing isn’t just a phase but an integrated, agile mindset. It’s about continuous integration, delivery, and, most importantly, relentless commitment to quality.

#AgileMindset #SoftwareQuality #InnovativeTech #FutureTech

The journey doesn’t end here. As we propel forward, exploring new frontiers in software testing, I invite you to join this exhilarating ride. Share your experiences, insights, and let’s ignite a vibrant conversation on the future of Java automated testing on GitLab.

#TechCommunity #Collaboration #DigitalTransformation #SoftwareInnovation

The future is here. The future is agile, precise, and powered by GitLab’s Java testing prowess.

Cheers to a brighter, code-bug-free future!

Let’s connect and shape the future together!