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Test Automation

Shift left – Sync Test code with App code

Dear Readers,

We have all heard about Shift left. Let us see how to actually implement it by syncing test code with app code using Git flow. To sync test code with app code using Git flow while maintaining code quality, follow these steps:

1. Use Branches: Adopt a branching strategy such as Git flow. Create separate branches for feature development, including both app code and test code.

2. Pairing Branches: Ensure that for each feature branch containing app code, there is a corresponding branch for test code. This helps in keeping the changes related to app code and test code separate.

3. Commit Frequently: Encourage frequent commits with descriptive messages for both app code and test code changes. This helps in tracking changes effectively and provides context for code reviews.

4. Automated Testing: Integrate automated testing into your workflow. Run unit tests, integration tests, and any other relevant tests automatically upon each commit or pull request.

5. Code Reviews: Perform code reviews for both app code and test code changes. This ensures that code quality standards are maintained and any issues are identified early.

6. Continuous Integration (CI): Utilize CI tools to automatically build and test your code whenever changes are pushed to the repository. This helps in catching integration issues and ensures that both app code and test code are in sync.

7. Version Control: Ensure that test code is versioned along with app code. This helps in keeping track of changes made to both codebases over time.

8. Documentation: Document any specific guidelines or conventions for writing test code to ensure consistency and maintainability.

By following these practices, you can effectively sync test code with app code using Git flow while maintaining code quality throughout the development process.

To access a free Git enabled Web ide to develop your test code for a one month trial , please sign up at

Test Automation

Checklist for Test automation in a DevOps environment

Test automation is a crucial part of the DevOps process to ensure that software is tested thoroughly and consistently throughout its development lifecycle. Below is a checklist for test automation in a DevOps environment:

Test Strategy and Planning:

  • Define the scope and objectives of test automation.
  • Identify the types of tests to be automated (e.g., unit tests, integration tests, functional tests, etc.).
  • Determine the tools and frameworks to be used for automation.
  • Plan for test data and environment setup.

Version Control:

  • Ensure that the test automation code is stored in version control.
  • Implement branching and merging strategies for test code management.

Continuous Integration (CI) Integration:

  • Integrate test automation into the CI pipeline to trigger tests automatically with each code commit.
  • Ensure that automated tests run on multiple environments to catch potential issues early.

Test Environment Management:

  • Create and manage test environments that mimic production environments as closely as possible.
  • Ensure test data is isolated and consistent for reliable test execution.

Test Data Management:

  • Plan and create test data to cover different scenarios and edge cases.
  • Automate the setup and teardown of test data to keep tests independent and repeatable.

Test Design and Scripting:

  • Design test cases that cover functional and non-functional requirements.
  • Use a suitable testing framework to write automated test scripts.

Test Execution and Reporting:

  • Automate the execution of test suites and test scenarios.
  • Generate detailed test reports with clear status and defect information.

Error Handling and Logging:

  • Implement robust error handling mechanisms in test scripts.
  • Include proper logging to facilitate debugging when test failures occur.

Test Maintenance:

  • Regularly review and update automated test scripts to reflect changes in the application.
  • Retire obsolete tests and replace or update them with relevant new tests.

Test Monitoring and Alerting:

  • Set up monitoring and alerting for test results.
  • Receive notifications when tests fail, and investigate and resolve issues promptly.

Test Coverage Analysis:

  • Analyze test coverage to ensure critical functionality is adequately tested.
  • Identify gaps in test coverage and add missing tests as necessary.

Performance Testing:

  • Integrate performance tests into the automation suite to identify performance bottlenecks.
  • Run performance tests regularly to detect performance regressions.

Security Testing:

  • Automate security tests to identify potential vulnerabilities in the application.
  • Integrate security testing into the CI/CD pipeline to ensure continuous security checks.

Integration and API Testing:

  • Automate integration and API tests to verify data flow and communication between different components.

Cross-Browser and Cross-Platform Testing:

  • Include automated tests for different browsers and platforms to ensure compatibility.

Accessibility Testing:

  • Automate accessibility tests to ensure the application is usable by people with disabilities.

Load and Stress Testing:

  • Automate load and stress tests to evaluate the application’s behavior under heavy loads.

Usability Testing:

  • Automate usability tests to assess the overall user experience of the application.

Test Retrospective:

  • Regularly review the test automation process to identify areas for improvement.


  • Maintain up-to-date documentation for the automated tests, including test cases and test data.

Remember that test automation is an ongoing process, and it’s essential to continuously enhance and optimize the automation strategy based on feedback and changing project requirements.

Nimbal NewZealand

Test Automation

Value of a Test Management System in your Software Development Process

In today’s fast-paced software development environment, the use of test management systems has become increasingly popular. A test management system is a software tool that helps manage and organize the entire testing process. From creating test cases to analyzing results, a test management system can streamline the testing process, improve efficiency, and provide a range of benefits to businesses. Let us explore the advantages of using a test management system.

Firstly, a test management system helps manage and organize the testing process. It provides a central location for all test cases, test plans, and test runs. With a test management system, teams can easily manage and track their testing progress, ensuring that all tests are executed on time, and that nothing falls through the cracks.

Secondly, a test management system can help improve testing efficiency. With a test management system, testers can easily reuse test cases and test data, reducing the time required for test creation. Moreover, it can help automate the testing process, enabling the use of test automation tools, which can significantly reduce the time and effort required for testing.

Thirdly, a test management system can help improve the quality of testing. By providing a central location for all test cases and results, it ensures that all tests are executed consistently, reducing the risk of human error. It also helps ensure that all tests are executed according to the predefined test plan, reducing the risk of missing critical scenarios.

Fourthly, a test management system can help improve collaboration and communication among team members. It allows testers to share test cases and test results, enabling team members to work more effectively together. Additionally, it provides a platform for team members to collaborate on test case creation and review, ensuring that all stakeholders have input into the testing process.

Finally, a test management system can provide valuable insights and analytics into the testing process. It can help identify areas of the system that require more testing, providing a basis for optimization and improvement. It can also provide valuable feedback on the effectiveness of the testing process, enabling teams to make data-driven decisions and continuously improve their testing approach.

In conclusion, a test management system can provide a range of benefits to businesses. From improving testing efficiency to enhancing collaboration and communication, and providing valuable insights and analytics, a test management system can help organizations streamline their testing process and ensure the quality of their software. As software development continues to become more complex, the use of test management systems is becoming increasingly essential, providing a valuable tool for businesses seeking to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced environment.

At Nimbal we are developing a freemium mobile responsive Test Management System SaaS that uses a secure Google Firebase backend. The system is designed to help tech founders streamline the testing process that is challenging to manage using Excel sheets. The product is free for up to 1000 tests, and users are encouraged to sign up and provide feedback at