Nimbal Tree

Nimbal Tree is a Mobile Responsive Test Management and Execution System that gives you the ability to execute your automated and manual tests.



Manage projects, users, analytics and test automation from a single interface for your deliveries


Add new Projects for your Organisation, and view real time coverage of your Tests against Project Requirements


Add tests to your project, and link them with the requirements and test automation IDs. You can now select your tests and run automation with single click!


Add requirements to your projects, and assign them JIRA story references if needed.


Tree understands Gherkin language (Given, When, Then) of your BDD tests. Each automation run creates a Test Cycle record with timestamps for your team to view the test results with step level execution status 


Tree can integrate with your existing CI servers to trigger the automation runs. We offer out of the box integration with Nimbal Cloud Jenkins, allowing you to connect to any of your cloud test automation repositories in seconds to trigger the automation run.

Run Tests from your Browser

Testers can run their tests from their browsers on a cloud-based IDE, with no need to download additional software on their systems.

View Test Run Recordings

Tree can save the recordings of each automation run for stakeholders and operations teams to monitor the state of the systems.

Demo – Use Amazon Mturk crowd for Manual Testing

Tree integrates with Amazon mechanical turk to send your manual tests as micro tasks to crowd users. The users pick up your test cases and execute them manually to give you instant feedback against your new changes and test cases. 

Demo – Running your BDD tests from Nimbal Tree

Nimbal can store the location of your BDD tests and can send that information to your CI/CD servers to run the selected tests. The automation execution gets recorded as a video on Tree portal and automation execution report gets generated under Test Cycles with step level details. Unlike other dumb Test Management Systems we give your team an end to end solution for Test Automation

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